Sunday, April 6, 2008

posts coming soon

i've taken a break/vacation from blogging since kristin & i left for la jollam, california last week. while in la jolla i decided i wanted to stay as far away from the computer as possible. when we returned to our daily lives here in austin late monday night (flight delays in dallas) we were both wiped. i hit the ground running both at work & with training the very next morning & am just now feeling like i have an opportunity to come up for air.

it's been a tough week recovering from the race, the vacation, adjusting to work, gearing up for kristin's birthday (it's today!), preparing for my parent's & my brother & sister-in-law's visit next weekend, & getting right back to ironman training (which is not going so well right now).

if you are following my thoughts & stories what's to come:

- i'd like to introduce you to some really wonderful people we met during our vacation
- a race report on my first half ironman
- the wonderful cuisine we enjoyed while in la jolla
- traveling with our buddy danielle
- coffee shops
- the value of the dollar
- my training
- my mom's first 5K
- kristin's birthday

so stay tuned family, friends, & strangers because more posts are coming soon!

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