Sunday, February 10, 2008

taking advantage of this sunday

i've got a lot of "to-dos" to do today. i woke up super early (5:00am) this morning to run on my own. i was going to run my 14-miles with t3 this morning but after training for 8+ hours yesterday & not getting a lot of time for the weekend "to-dos" i decided just to get up early (kinda hard since kristin & i were out with friends last night for dinner & we didn't get to bed until just after midnight) & get my run in.

so i've got the rest of the day to take advantage of & throughout the day i take time to include some healthy blogging - i've got a laundry list of blog posts queued up :)

1 comment:

Colleen Renee' Wilson said...

Glad to see you are getting the "rest" you told me you would get. Brian....I am worried.